A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Cat

Nia Gould

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Cat is a book of more than 20 influential artists reimagined as artistic felines. From Frida Catlo to Yayoi Catsama, Wassily Catdinski to Henri Catisse, each portrait of the artist as a young cat is accompanied by a clever t... čítať viac

Umenie, hudba



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A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Cat is a book of more than 20 influential artists reimagined as artistic felines. From Frida Catlo to Yayoi Catsama, Wassily Catdinski to Henri Catisse, each portrait of the artist as a young cat is accompanied by a clever tongue-in-cheek biography revealing the thrilling feline lives (all nine) behind their famed artwork. Loaded with clever cat puns, this playful romp through art history will twist the whiskers of any cat-loving creative, whether you're discovering the inspiration for Frida Catlo's renowned self-pawtraits to reflecting on the catmosphere that gave rise to Georgia O'Kitty's landscapes.* Features fantastic feline artists such as Mary Catsatt and Meow Weiwei* A cute and clever little book that cat and art lovers alike will love* Packed with tons of real biographical info about each artist and plentiful cat punsFor cat lovers with an artistic purr-suasion, this is the ultimate celebration of their favorite artists. * A purrfectly smart and sweet gift book for cat lovers, art lovers, pun enthusiasts, and those who love them * Great for those who loved Fat Cat Art by Svetlana Petrova, Cats Galore by Susan Herbert, Of Cats and Men: Profiles of History's Great Cat-Loving Artists, Writers, Thinkers and Statesmen by Sam Kalda

Umenie, hudba



Chronicle Books





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