The Ancient World in Minutes

Charles Phillips

Clear, concise yet wide-ranging, The Ancient World in Minutes is the quickest way to understand the great civilizations of the distant past. From the first-ever cities of Sumeria and Babylon around 3500 BCE to the fall of Rome and the bloody demise of the Azte... čítať viac

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Clear, concise yet wide-ranging, The Ancient World in Minutes is the quickest way to understand the great civilizations of the distant past. From the first-ever cities of Sumeria and Babylon around 3500 BCE to the fall of Rome and the bloody demise of the Aztecs, here - in 200 mini-essays - are the critical leaders and wars; ideas and inventions; myths and religions; and art and architecture of the first 5000 years of recorded history. Discover the spiritual, cultural, technological and artistic innovations of the ancient civilizations that still amaze and influence us today - from the Pyramids and Parthenon to Machu Picchu and the Great Wall of China; and from the first hieroglyphic writings and great epics of world literature to democracy and the Olympic Games.The great civilizations are brought to life in vivid illustrations with 200 maps, iconic artworks and ancient artefacts. Contents include Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient China, The Persian Empire, Classic Greece, The Roman Republic, the Maya, The Inca and many more.

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Quercus Publishing





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