The Canterbury Tales + CD ( A1)

Geoffrey Chaucer

Step back in time to experience the adventures of a group of people to Canterbury in this stunning reconstruction of 14th Century England. In 1387, a group of people went to Canterbury. On their way, they told stories. The stories were exciting and interesting... čítať viac

Náučná literatúra (nad 10 r) Jazyky, vzdelanie Angličtina (tituly v Anglickom jazyku)



Viac o knihe

Step back in time to experience the adventures of a group of people to Canterbury in this stunning reconstruction of 14th Century England. In 1387, a group of people went to Canterbury. On their way, they told stories. The stories were exciting and interesting. They helped the group to enjoy their time travelling. But these stories do not only tell us about the past. They are stories that anybody can read and enjoy today. And they are stories that can teach us many things, about love, about friendship, and about life.

Vráťte sa v čase a zažite dobrodružstvá skupiny ľudí na ceste do Canterbury vo veľkolepom obraze Anglicka v 14. storočí.
V roku 1387 putovala skupina ľudí do Canterbury. Cestou si hovorili vzrušujúce a zaujímavé príbehy. Pomohli im užiť si čas strávený cestovaním. Tieto príbehy však nehovoria len o minulosti. Ide o príbehy, ktoré si ktokoľvek so záujmom môže prečítať aj dnes. Môžu nás naučiť mnohé o láske, priateľstve a živote.

Náučná literatúra (nad 10 r) Jazyky, vzdelanie Angličtina (tituly v Anglickom jazyku)



Dr. Josef Raabe Slovensko, s.r.o - (Eli Publishing)





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